Dashboard Webapp
The dashboard webapp is a multi-purpose GUI built for security analysts and security admins. The dashboard constantly monitors all on-chain protected contracts, providing detailed and explainable reports for every on-chain transaction.
Transaction Analysis
Every transaction interacting with the protected smart contracts is automatically analyzed, with specific focus on smart contract behavior analysis with parameters such as execution flow, gas consumption, input parameters and more. On top of the behavioral analysis, the dashboard aggregates multiple data feeds to provide additional decision support. Suspicious incidents can be investigated using the dashboard.
Transaction Simulation
The dashboard's transaction simulator can simulate transactions given it's parameters - msg.sender, gas, input parameters, block number, etc., and produce a transaction behavioral analysis. This 'what-if' simulator enables security analysts to simulate every possible transaction and see how it would behave. The simulator can be used to analyze transaction behaviours before adding them as permitted activity.
Engine Configuration
The dashboard also includes management GUI for configuration of the spherexEngine. The dashboard configuration menu includes all the configuration and management operations, from engine deployment, to activating and configuring security policies and activating 0day mitigation.
While the dashboard enables configuration of the on-chain spherexEngine, actual configuration requires the keys/wallet of the Admin/Operator which are NOT kept in the dashboad. This way, the sole and complete control of the smart contracts remains in the customer's hands.
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